University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Blaha Receives 2019 College of Business Emerging Leader Award

| Carrie Ottum

Congratulations to Madalyn Blaha for receiving the COB Emerging Leader Award!

The COB Emerging Leader Award is presented to a current College of Business student who has shown early leadership and potential for success, and who is not graduating in 2019. The recipient of award is selected by the college's faculty and staff.

This year's recipient is Madalyn Blaha, a junior Health Care Administration major and Leadership Studies certificate minor from Sparta, WI. Blaha was selected by COB faculty and staff from a list of 367 students who met the GPA requirement.

In addition, Blaha has held officer positions as the Director of Marketing and Vice-President of the UW-Eau Claire American College of Health Care Administrators student organization and is an active member in the Music and Memory student organization. She is a volunteer at the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic and has completed an internship with Volunteers of America The Homestead

Blaha, who has a 4.0 GPA, hopes to graduate summa cum laude in May 2020, and become the administrator of a non-profit, long-term care facility.