University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Winter Safety: Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention

| Chaizong Lor

Winter Safety: Slips, Trips, and Falls Prevention

During the winter months, exposure to slips and falls greatly increases due to weather conditions such as freezing rain, snow, and ice.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor, slips, trips, and falls make up most general industry accidents, which account for:

The goal of an effective winter weather plan is to remove snow and ice from all walking surfaces and incorporate continuous walking surface monitoring and removal at critical times such as before the start of work and at shift changes, or when melting and refreezing occurs. Plans should be in writing and reviewed after every winter season. Pay special attention to common trouble spots such as parking areas, sidewalks, stairs, and ramps. About one-third of all slips on icy surfaces occur in parking areas.  Some of the specific contributors to the rise in slips, trips, and falls during winter include:

Be aware of the parking area and sidewalks for:

Safe Winter Driving

Driving conditions in the winter months can be full of treacherous hazards including winter ice, poor visibility, strong winds, snow, and freezing rain. Additional preparations can help make a trip safer or better to deal with an emergency.

Perhaps the danger of all is “black ice.” Black ice forms on a roadway, usually due to snow melting and re-freezing. Since it is almost invisible, drivers fail to recognize black ice conditions and may drive at normal speeds–often resulting in very serious accidents. Always be alert to the possibility of black ice when temperatures are near or below freezing. Pavement that looks dry but may be darker in color and dull looking should alert you to the presence of black ice!

Winter Driving Tips

If possible, avoid driving during winter weather, as even small amounts of snow and ice can make traveling on roads extremely dangerous. If you must travel by car, here are some driving tips to help you stay safe.


With the arrival of winter, freezing temperatures and snow may create slippery walking surfaces on UW-Eau Claire campus. Risk Management, Safety and Sustainability encourages all students, faculty, staff, and visitors to wear the appropriate winter footwear or shoes with traction and be observant of areas that could create a slip and fall hazard.

In addition to working and walking in winter, driving during the winter presents its own set of hazards. Driving in the winter may include slowing down and giving yourself plenty of distance between vehicles in front and to the side of your vehicle to allow for safe stopping distances. It is essential to consider these extra safety precautions to avoid accidents. When driving in snowy conditions, it is critical to be smooth with the steering wheel, accelerator and brakes and avoid sudden movements to always maintain control of your vehicles. By implementing these strategies in your daily life, the winter season will pass by safely.