University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

What’s in a name? Dr. Vicki Lord Larson: administrator, scholar, collector

| Greg Kocken

A new display in the Riverside Lobby of Vicki Lord Larson Hall (the entranceway to McIntyre Library) will explore the building's namesake.

In early 2019, Old Library was formally renamed and is now recognized as Vicki Lord Larson Hall. Dr. Larson joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire in 1973 and served in a variety of administrative roles until her departure in 1991. In 2005, she returned as interim chancellor and left an undeniable mark on this institution through her many years of service. This display will explore different dimensions of Dr. Larson: as an administrator, scholar and collector.

This display was developed by McIntyre Library’s Special Collections and Archives department and features artifacts and information from the university archives and select items on loan from Dr. Larson’s friends. The display was installed on Sept. 9 and will be available through the end of October. To view the display, it is best to visit during McIntyre Library’s public hours. For more information about the library’s hours, along with information about visiting the library, please see: