University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire

Berg 2019 Outstanding Student Award recipient

| Carrie Ottum

Congratulations to Nathaniel Berg for being named the 2019 COB Outstanding Student!

Students considered for the Outstanding Student Award must be graduating seniors who have earned a GPA of 3.2 or higher. The student receiving the award should demonstrate great promise and outstanding achievement in his/her chosen field. Personality and involvement in university activities are also important attributes.

This year’s recipient is Nathaniel Berg, a senior Health Care Administration major and Information Systems minor from Fall Creek, WI. Berg was selected by COB faculty and staff from a list of 395 students who met the GPA requirement.

In addition, Berg was the volunteer director of the UW-Eau Claire American College of Health Care Administrators student organization and a member of the university honors program. He has completed internships with Green Bay Packaging, INC. and Presbyterian Homes and Services.

Berg, who graduated in May with a 4.0 GPA, is currently pursuing positions with electronic medical record companies, such as Epic, with the desire to integrate aspects of both his health care administration major, and information systems minor.