You can register for online exams beginning March 15, 2025 at the Center for Placement Testing website. Reminder: our online exams are not proctored.
Once in the site, you will need to log in with your UWEC campus credentials to complete the registration form before taking the exam. Within two business days of registering (but more likely within a few minutes), you will receive an email from Meazure Learning with a username and password for accessing the exams. If you haven't received your email in two days, be sure to check your junk/spam email folder before contacting the Center for Placement Testing for support.
- To take the exam, your web browser must be able to accept cookies, JavaScript, and pop-up windows. We recommend you use the most up-to-date version of your web browser. If you leave or log out of an exam before finishing, you may log back in and the system will remember how much time was remaining.
- Upon completing an exam, you must submit it in order for us to receive your scores. If you forget to submit your exam, you should be able to log back into the system to submit.
Please note: It takes around two weeks for tests to be scored and sent to UW-Eau Claire, therefore we highly recommend that you take them as soon as you can.
- American Sign Language: Students will need to complete an eform to request an American Sign Language (ASL) placement exam with our CSD department.
- French, German, and Spanish: Unproctored placement tests are available through the Center for Placement Testing (see above).
- Greek, Hmong, Latin, and Ojibwe: Students with prior experience in these languages should contact to inquire about placement options.
- Japanese and Chinese: Placement exams are available through Canvas, our online learning portal. Students will need to e-mail to request access to either course to complete these exams.
- Other Languages: Students with prior experience in any language other than English not listed above may contact to inquire about placement options.
If you have any questions or concerns about the placement testing process, please contact, or reach out to your academic advisor.