Jennifer Ervin, Ph.D.
Contact Information
1698 Park Ave
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Jennifer Ervin teaches courses in methods for teaching English language arts, young adult literature, and critical reading and writing. Her research focuses on secondary English language arts pedagogy and curriculum; teachers’ engagement with justice-oriented teaching practices, including culturally sustaining and antiracist pedagogies; and the intersection of educational policies with teachers’ classroom work.
Ph.D., Language and Literacy Education, University of Georgia
M.S., English Education, Florida State University
B.A., English, Florida State University
Teaching and Research Interests
English Education
Teacher Preparation
Equity and Justice-Oriented Pedagogies
Education Policy
Young Adult Literature
Published Research
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
Grove, E., Ervin, J., Gannon, M. (2024). “They’re just not mature enough sometimes”: Teacher candidates’ languaging of students and criticality. English Education, 56(2), 66-86.
Ervin, J., & Gannon, M. (2024). Navigating tensions: A critical policy analysis of expectations for English educators in Georgia. Educational Policy Analysis Archives, 32(15), 1-21.
Ervin, J. (2024). Work hard for whom? A critical autoethnography on disconnection within a KIPP charter school. Critical Questions in Education, 15(1), 19-37. https://academyedstudies.files.wordpress.com/2024/01/ervin-final.pdf
Ervin, J. & Gannon, M. (2022). Stories read and told in an antiracist teaching book club. Journal of Education Controversy, 15(1), 1-28. https://cedar.wwu.edu/jec/vol15/iss1/5
Ervin, J. (2022). Critically reading the canon: Culturally sustaining approaches to a prescribed literature curriculum. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 65(4), 321-329. https://doi.org/10.1002/jaal.1208