Order of Omega Officers
Olivia Lucas
Joe Garry
Vice President of Membership
Leecy Cullen
Vice President of Programs
Nate Hammond
Treasurer and Secretary
Kendall Nord
Director of Chapter Support
Elizabeth Lindahl
Director of Fundraising
Blake Garrels
Academics Chair
Hailey Durham
Public Relations Chair
Current Membership
- Lindsay Bachman - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Tatum Christensen - Delta Zeta
- Leecy Cullen - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Hailey Durham - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Lauren Elmergreen - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Blake Garrels - Delta Tau Delta
- Joe Garry - Delta Tau Delta
- Kylie Gifford - Alpha Xi Delta
- Jacob Hackbarth - Delta Tau Delta
- Nate Hammond - Delta Tau Delta
- Olivia Lamack - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Elizabeth Lindahl - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Olivia Lucas - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Emily Mills - Alpha Xi Delta
- Kevin Miro - Delta Tau Delta
- Kendall Nord - Alpha Xi Delta
- Sarah Schrauth - Alpha Xi Delta
- Ella Skoog - Sigma Sigma Sigma
- Nolan Snyder - Delta Tau Delta
- Greta Sternig - Alpha Xi Delta
For more information about the organization, please contact the advisor, Katy Rand, randka@uwec.edu.