Ezra Zeitler, Ph.D.
Contact Information
101 Roosevelt Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Hi, everyone! I teach a variety of human, environmental, and geospatial courses in the Department of Geography & Anthropology. My research interests are far reaching but generally involve aspects of tourism, sports and leisure, cartography, and fieldwork.
I've served in many capacities at UW-Eau Claire and beyond, including Department Chair (2020-2023), University Senator (2023-2024), Geography & Anthropology Club Faculty Advisor (2008-present), Department Personnel Committee officer roles, ORSP committees, Association of American Geographers specialty group officer positions, and others.
- Ph.D., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Geography)
- M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln (Geography)
- B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls (Geography)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Geography 111: Planet Earth: Human Geography
- Geography 200: Foundations of Geography
- Geography 280: Introduction to Cartography & Geovisualization
- Geography/American Indian Studies 322: Native Geographies
- Geography 365: Tourism Geographies
- Geography 368: Field Seminar
- Geography 379: Geography of Wisconsin
- Geography 401: Capstone Seminar
Published Research
Selected Publications:
2024. Cultural Landscape Change and the Function of Hamlets in Southwest Wisconsin: Updating Trewartha’s Classic 1943 Study. Geography of Time, Place, Movement and Networks, Volume 2: Mapping Heritage Journeys and Sameness. Stanley D. Brunn, ed. New York: Springer. Co-authored with Ryan Weichelt, Elli Swanson, and Carolyn Seger. ISBN: 978-3-031-58028-4
2022. Second Home Property Ownership and Public-School Funding in Wisconsin’s Northwoods. Geographical Review 112(3): 396-421. Co-authored with Ryan Weichelt. https://doi.org/10.1080/00167428.2020.1855583
2018. A Taxonomy of Secondary School Athletic Team Names and Mascots in the United States. Names: A Journal of Onomastics 66(4):1-14. https://doi.org/10.1080/00277738.2018.1490526
2013. Double-Play: Using Minor League Baseball to Apply Themes and Standards in Human Geography Courses. Journal of Geography 112(1): 29-40. https://doi.org/10.1080/00221341.2012.680604
2012. Multi-scalar Cartographic Analysis of 2008 and 2010 Election Returns in Wisconsin, U.S.A. Journal of Maps 8(3): 312-319.Co-authored with Ryan Weichelt. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445647.2012.705542
2009. Creating America’s “Czech Capital”: Ethnic Identity and Heritage Tourism in Wilber, Nebraska. Journal of Heritage Tourism 4(1): 73-85. https://doi.org/10.1080/17438730802139186
Selected Cartographic Publications:
Hyde, Anne. Born of Lakes and Plains: Mixed-Descent Peoples and the Making of the American West. W.W. Norton & Company. Twelve maps.
Lynch, Tom. Outback and Out West: The Settler-Colonial Environmental Imaginary. University of Nebraska Press. Two maps.
Shortall, Sarah. Soldiers of God in a Secular World: Catholic Theology and Twentieth Century French Politics. Harvard University Press. One map.
Specht, Josh. Red Meat Republic. Princeton University Press. Two maps.
Martino, Gina M. Women at War in the Borderlands of the Early American Northeast. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Four maps.
Lim, Julian. Porous Borders, Forged Boundaries: Race, Law, and Migration in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Two maps.
Wishart, David J. Great Plains Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. Seven maps.
Gough, Robert J. and James W. Oberly. Building Excellence: University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, 1916-2016. Virginia Beach: The Donning Company Publishers. Twelve maps.
Brooks, James. Mesa of Sorrows: A History of the Awat’ovi Massacre. New York: W.W. Norton & Company Press. Two maps.
Jagodinsky, Katrina. Legal Codes and Talking Trees: Indigenous Women’s Sovereignty in the Sonoran and Puget Sound Borderlands, 1854-1946. New Haven: Yale University Press. Six maps.
Hogue, Michel. Prairie Crucible: The Metis and the Borderland World of the Northern Plains. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Three maps.
Graybill, Andrew. The Red and the White: A Family Saga of the American West. New York: Liveright Press. Three maps.
St. John, Rachel. Line in the Sand: A History of the Western U.S.- Mexico Border. Princeton University Press. Three maps.
Honors And Recognition
Recipient, National Council for Geographic Education Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award
Recipient, Office of Multicultural Affairs and Black Student Alliance Certificate of Appreciation of Outstanding Achievement in Creating Inclusion in the Classroom.
Recipient, UW-Eau Claire GRADitude! Award
Recipient, UW-Eau ClaireOffice of Nontraditional Student Services O.W.L.(Older Wiser Learners) Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Teaching, Mentoring, and Encouragement.
Honoree, UW-Eau Claire Walking OUT: A Queer Graduation Celebration
Nominee, UW-Eau Claire Roma Hoff Student Organization Advisor Award