Authored by

Dr. Nathan Miller
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Contact Information
- Doctoral Thesis: "Understanding the High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Early Type Stars" ( postscript, gzipped ps , pdf ) PASP summary
- XMM-Newton observations of beta Centauri (B1 III): The temperature structure in the hot plasma and the photosphere-wind connection
- High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of the Brightest OB Stars in the Cygnus OB2 Association (with UWEC student Justin Reiter)
- High-resolution XMM-Newton X-ray spectra of tau SCORPII
- High-Resolution Chandra Spectroscopy of tau Scorpii: A Narrow-Line X-Ray Spectrum from a Hot Star
- High-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of tau Scorpii (B0.2V) with XMM-Newton
- Metallicities of Old Open Clusters
- A Magnetically-Torqued Model for Be Star Disks ( A press release describing our results ) ( Another version. )
- New Challenges for Wind Shock Models: The Chandra Spectrum of the Hot Star Delta Ori
- The review article: "Recent Progress in Understanding the X-ray Sources in Hot Star Winds" for the meeting "Stellar Coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton Era" (pdf, gzipped postscript)
- The meeting "Two years of Science with Chandra" (Wash. D.C., Sept. 5-7) ( page-sized gzipped ps poster )
- The St. Paul Chandra meeting (July 2001): A comparison of the X-ray spectra of Delta Ori and Zeta Pup, The full Proceedings article,The full-size poster, A page-sized poster
- Chandra Detection of Doppler-shifted X-Ray Line Profiles from the Wind of zeta Puppis (O4 F)
- The Effects of Magnetic Fields on the Winds of Hot Stars, from Variable and Non-spherical Stellar Winds in Luminous Hot Stars, IAU Colloquium No. 169, B. Wolf, O. Stahl, and A. W. Fullerton, eds.
- Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison (Astronomy)
- M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison (Astronomy)
- B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College (Physics)
Teaching and Research Interests
Teaching and Research Interests
- X-ray stellar astrophysics
- Stellar winds of massive stars