Jeffrey Janot, Ph.D., ACSM CEP
Contact Information
509 University Dr
Eau Claire, WI 54701
I am currently a Full Professor in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. I primarily teach in the Rehabilitation Science and the Master of Science in Exercise Physiology programs focusing on topics of fitness assessment and exercise prescription for healthy and clinical (Clinical Exercise Physiology) populations, advanced exercise physiology and electrocardiography. I came to UW-Eau Claire in 2005 following teaching at South Dakota State University for four years. I received my PhD in Health, Physical Education and Recreation with a focus on Exercise Physiology in 2001. My research interests include sports physiology (hockey and baseball), applied cardiovascular physiology, and enhancing functional abilities of younger and older adults and those with chronic disease. I also have coached hockey at the youth level for many years and coached high school baseball at Eau Claire Memorial serving as the Pitching coach from 2010-2022. My family includes my wife, Jill, and my two boys, Ben and Zach.
- Ph.D. Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, 2001 (Concentration: Exercise physiology with minor in physiology/statistics) University of New Mexico
- M.S. Adult Fitness/Cardiac Rehabilitation, 1997 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
- B.A. Exercise Science, 1994 The College of St. Scholastica, Duluth, MN
- ACSM Clinical Exercise Physiologist, 1996-current
- AHA/Red Cross BCLS certified, 1991-current
- USA Hockey, Level 5-Master Coach certification 2009-current
Teaching and Research Interests
- KINS 358 Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
- KINS 440 Rehabilitation Science Seminar (Guest lecturer)
- KINS 445 Basic Electrocardiography
- KINS 464 Clinical Exercise Physiology
- KINS 498 Exercise Science Internship
- KINS 708 Advanced Exercise Physiology
- KINS 784, 785, 786 Clinical Practicum in Exercise Physiology I-III
- Cardiovascular physiology
- Sports performance (Hockey and Baseball)
- Body composition
- Clinical exercise physiology
- Functional resistance training and older adults
- Physiological assessment of exercise in diverse populations
- Occupational health and fitness assessment
Published Research
Current research manuscripts:
Johnson, M., S. Braun, M. Hecimovich, K. Schultz, C. Bauer, A. Bohn, & J. Janot. Risk of metabolic syndrome among law enforcement officers due to physical activity and posture behaviors. Journal of Occupational Health, 66, 1-5.
Atwood, T., A. Horton, N. Hanson, K. Moyer, S. Braun, N. Beltz, & J. Janot. The cardiorespiratory response while Nordic walking vs. regular walking among middle-aged to older adults. Accepted for publication Topics in Exercise Science and Kinesiology, May 2024.
Zaworski, E., T. Atwood, J. Janot, V. Vaibhav, T. Allison, D. Holmes, and A. Calvin. (2023). A drop in heart rate and cardiac output during cardiopulmonary stress testing in a patient with a dual chamber pacemaker. Pacing and Clinical Electrophysiology, 1-4.
Ekker, R., S. Jack, M. Soderberg, L. Zach, S. Braun, & J. Janot. (2022). The acute effects of preferred music on self-selected usual and maximum gait speed on community-dwelling older adults. International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology, 17, 93-103.
Rheault, M., G. Vogt, B. Juckett, V. Palzkill, H. Zavoral, C. Hannah, & J. Janot. (2021). Subjectively measured occupational physical activity and barriers/attitudes toward physical activity among rural communities. International Journal of Research in Exercise Physiology, 17, 1-11.
Glaser M., K. Geiger, A. Baugher, T. Bowker, and J. Janot. (2020). The effect of BungeeSkateTM training vs lateral plyometric jumps on on-ice acceleration and speed. Journal of Sport and Human Performance, 8, 1-10.
Beltz, N., T. Nunez, and J. Janot (2019). Effect of functional resistance training on movement outcomes in young adults. Journal of Exercise Physiology online, 22, 227-238.
Beltz, N., F. Amorim, A. Gibson, J. Janot, L. Kravitz, C. Mermier, N. Cole, T. Moriarity, T. Nunez, S. Trigg, and L. Dalleck (2018). Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to self-paced and ramp graded exercise testing protocols. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, 43, 609-616.
Nuñez, T., F. Amorim, J. Janot, C. Mermier, R. Rozenek, and L. Kravitz (2018). Circuit weight training: acute and chronic effects on healthy and clinical populations. Journal of Sport and Human Performance, 6(3), 1-21.
Janot, J. & N. Beltz. Laboratory Assessment and Exercise Prescription, 1st ed. Human Kinetics: Champaign, IL, 2023.
Recent conference presentations:
Horton, A., T. Atwood, N. Hanson, K. Moyer, S. Braun, N. Beltz, & J. Janot. The cardiorespiratory response while Nordic walking vs. regular walking among middle-aged to older adults. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eau Claire, WI, April 2023.
Atwood, T., E. Zaworski, J. Janot, V. Vaibhav, T. Allison, D. Holmes, & A. Calvin. Case Series: Pacemaker Wenckebach. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eau Claire, WI, April 2023.
Crews, D. Z. Yengo, S. Braun, & J. Janot. Effect of postural variations on on-task behavior in a college classroom setting. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Eau Claire, WI, April 2023.
Johnson, M. S. Braun, M. Hecimovich, K. Schultz, & J. Janot. Physical activity behaviors and metabolic syndrome among law enforcement officers. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2022.
Braun, S., Y. Kim, M. Johnson, & J. Janot. Minimum number of monitoring days necessary to reliably estimate on-duty stepping activities among police officers. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, June 2022.
Rauk, S. B. Lozon, C. Mascia, M. Walker, S. Braun, & J. Janot. The impact of pitch types on torque placed on the ulnar collateral ligament in college-age softball and baseball players. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Bozeman, MT, April 2020 (accepted but not presented due to COVID-19).
Bougie, C., A. Kohler, S. Freid, J. Nagel, M. Downing, L. Opelt, M. Johnson, N. Beltz, A. Floren, S. Braun & J. Janot. Effect of two equipment load bearing strategies on low back discomfort in on-duty police officer. Presented at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research, Kennesaw, GA, April 2019.
Janot, J., C. Bougie, A. Kohler, S. Freid, J. Nagel, M. Downing, L. Opelt, M. Johnson, N. Beltz, A. Floren, & S. Braun. Effect of two equipment load bearing strategies on low back discomfort in on-duty police officer. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, May 2019.
Janot, J., S. Braun, N. Cisewski, A. Stover, S. Noetzelman, & L. Grover. The effects of tempo-adjusted music on gait speed and functionality in middle-aged and older adults. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018 (Thematic poster).
Braun, S., M. Johnson, J. Janot, S. Reischel, J. Stewart, C. Alger, & B. Casper. Comparison of Activpal and Actigraph on detecting sitting vs. standing in three classroom postures. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018.
Beltz, N., F. Amorim, A. Gibson, J. Janot, L. Kravitz, C. Mermier, N. Cole, T. Moriarity, T. Nunez, S. Trigg, & L. Dalleck. Hemodynamic and metabolic responses to self-paced and ramp graded exercise testing protocols. Presented at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, May 2018 (Thematic poster).
Honors And Recognition
Outstanding Ph.D. Graduate, Division of Physical Performance and Development, University of New Mexico, 2001
Member, the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, University of New Mexico Chapter, Spring 2001
Dean's Excellence award, College of Education and Human Sciences, UW-Eau Claire, 2018
Excellence in Mentoring in Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity award, 2016 & 2017
Ron Satz Teacher/Scholar award, College of Education and Human Sciences, UW-Eau Claire, 2010
Past-President, Northland Chapter of American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), 2006