Dr. Jacob Grewe
Contact Information
Originally from Ft. Worth, Texas, Grewe is an active freelance musician and teacher around the state of Wisconsin and is the Lecturer of Tuba and Euphonium at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is also principal tubist with the Sheboygan Symphony and Beloit-Janesville Symphony Orchestra and has performed with the Kenosha Symphony Orchestra, Manitowoc Symphony Orchestra, and numerous chamber ensembles in and around Madison. His teaching responsibilities have included conducting brass sectionals for the Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra, teaching tuba and euphonium masterclasses at the University of Wisconsin Summer Music Clinics and University of Arkansas Summer Music Camps. Jacob has also maintained a studio of private lesson students in Madison.
Grewe is currently completing his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Tuba Performance with a minor in Musicology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He holds a Master of Music degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Arkansas. His primary teachers are Tom Curry, John Stevens, and Benjamin Pierce.
- B.M., University of Arkansas
- M.M., University of Wisconsin - Madison
- D.M.A. (In Progress), University of Wisconsin - Madison (Tuba Performance)
Teaching and Research Interests
- Euphonium and Tuba
- BASSically Brass