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Photo essay: Spring on campus

Let's take a moment to admire the scenes in these photos that recall the glory of spring on campus.

It may be a Midwest thing, but there's nothing better than those days when we have confidence that the warm weather is here to stay and the energy level just shifts. The trees bud, the grass gets green and we can't help but spend time outdoors. 

a class of students and faculty member who moved outside for a spring session

Our campus has many locations to accommodate an outdoor class session. Dr. Adam Kunz, assistant professor of political science, chose a perfect day to take class outside.

geography survey student by riverbank with measuring tools

Blugolds don't need to travel beyond campus to find landscapes for learning geographical survey and mapping procedures and techniques.

frisbee players on campus mall, sunny day
Blugold flag being held by fan in striped bibs at track meet

Blugolds support each other in all endeavors, and spring sports are no exception. From baseball and softball to tennis, golf and lacrosse, it has been an action-packed season in athletics.

geology class out on river boulders with Dr. Robert Lodge

Dr. Robert Lodge, associate professor of geology and environmental science, is pleased to take advantage of an extended geology classroom — literally the whole campus backyard.

female student in pink top seated at the Sprites with full pink floral tree blooms behind her
Bark Break day, light colored doodle mix being pet by students

A Bark Break event is always a student pick-me-up at UWEC, but it's even better on a gorgeous sunny Friday.

girl on a bench with pink headphones on, curly hair in ponytail
LAS class sitting at Riverview Terrace with professor Manny Fernandez

While some campus spots created in the Garfield Avenue pedestrian walk were designed to be outdoor classrooms, it turns out that for smaller groups, spots like Riverview Terrace work just fine for Dr. Manny Fernandez in Latin American Studies.

UWEC-BC spring day kite flyer

Students take advantage of the spring weather on the UW-Eau Claire – Barron County campus, too.

skateboarder on the mall near the Sprites, waving at the camera

Rolling through campus takes on a whole new meaning in the peak of spring tree budding.

students sitting around the Sprites for outdoor math class

A Mathematics 202 class took learning outside to enjoy the spring warmth and sunshine.