UWEC 445.A, Obtaining a Travel Cash Advance

Last Updated

Procedure #: UWEC 445.A


The objective of this practice directive is to help the faculty or staff establish clear understanding of the requirements and guidelines for obtaining, using, reporting and reconciling a travel-related cash advance at UW-Eau Claire.


This procedure applies to faculty or staff requests for travel-related cash advance from UW-Eau Claire.


Cash Advance: Cash provided in advance of a university-sponsored trip or activity to be used for business expenses related to that trip or activity which cannot be prepaid or paid for with charge card.

Faculty/Staff: A UW-Eau Claire faculty or staff on payroll at the time of the advance. All University-sponsored travelers are required to comply with UW System and university policies and procedures.

Group Travel Cash Advance: Cash provided to a UW-Eau Claire faculty or staff for student group travel and activities such as forensics, faculty-led immersion, athletics, etc. as a single-trip or activity advance.

University Sponsored Travel: Travel that is:

  • paid for in full or in part by the University;
  • paid directly or indirectly by the University;
  • organized by the University with participants or sponsors paying;
  • organized by others outside the University and paid for by the University; and/or
  • sponsored by the University in the form of name, organization, communication, management, staffing, transportation, or space provision


Obtaining a Travel Cash Advance

StepAction1.Complete the Canvas course Travel Cash Advance2.Determine which means you will use to obtain the cash advance:
  • Apply for a cash advance via SFS, or
  • withdraw the cash from your U.S. Bank Corporate Card account
3.Withdraw the cash in one lump sum, or as needed from your payroll bank account or U.S. Bank Corporate Travel Card account at a U.S. Bank or ATM.4.Use or distribute cash for university-sponsored trip or activity. Retain receipts or signature sheets to support the use of the advance5.

Report and reconcile the cash advance by returning any unused funds to the ASK Center at UW-Eau Claire (or directly to U.S. Bank if withdrawn via U.S. Bank Corporate Travel Card) and by fully completing a corresponding expense reimbursement report within 30 days of the last day of travel or activity.


Practice Directive UWEC 445, Travel Cash Advances

Canvas Cash Advance training

UW-Eau Claire Firstsource + Travel website

UW System TravelWise website

Receipt Requirements website

Procedure Administration

Version NumberV1.0Approval AuthorityVice Chancellor for Finance & AdministrationApproval DateJanuary 19, 2023Next Review DateJanuary 19, 2024DivisionFinance & AdministrationDepartmentUniversity AccountingContactTravel Manager | univacct@uwec.edu

Revision History

VersionRevision DateDescription of ChangeAuthor(s)1.0January 19, 2023Initial issuanceShawn Seuferer