Current Collaborations
Building a brighter future together
Combining UW-Eau Claire’s strength in undergraduate research with Mayo Clinic Health System’s expertise and state-of-the-art technology paves the way for groundbreaking discoveries and solutions. Explore our latest projects below and learn all we are doing to advance the field of health and patient care.
Research Question: Are family members exposed to chemotherapy drugs administered at home? If so, develop procedures and education to minimize exposure to non-patient family members.
Mayo Lead: Dr. Jordan Dow
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Dalete Mota (Nursing), Dr. David Lewis (Chemistry)
Approved Budget: $27,300
Research Question: Using a rat model, how does excessive alcohol exposure during adolescence impact behavior across the lifespan? Examination of behavior and physiological changes (in rats) can inform treatment options in humans.
Mayo Lead: Dr. Doo-Sup Choi
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Doug Matthews (Psychology)
Approved Budget: $174,762
Research Question: Do patients who undergo minimally invasive cardiac surgery achieve the same surgical results and are able to recover faster than those undergoing traditional surgery?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Andrew Calvin
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Liqiang Chen (Information Systems)
Approved Budget: $2,750
Research Question: What are the mechanisms that underlie the increased effects of ethanol in the aged population?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Doo-Sup Choi
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Doug Matthews (Psychology)
Approved Budget: $41,148
Research Question: Can in vitro analysis of genetic variants improve the ability of physicians and scientists to decipher which genetic variations are clinically relevant and which impact patient health?
Mayo Lead: Katie Plamann
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Jamie Lyman-Gingerich (Biology)
Approved Budget: $104,611
Research Question: Can we improve upon current hydrodissection and CO2 pneumodissection techniques? Can a biologic foam allow a greater number of tumors to be treated with proven ablation techniques and with improved patient safety?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Jeremy McBride
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Liz Glogowski (Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering)
Approved Budget: $20,550
Research Question: What markers/factors should providers be monitoring to improve the ability to detect escalations in mental health crises and suicide risk among their patients, and which physical, psychological, behavioral, and social factors contribute the most to increases in suicidal thinking?
Mayo Lead: Eve Fischer; Michele Eberle; Karlene Phillips; Dr. Robert Peck
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Jennifer Muehlenkamp (Psychology)
Approved Budget: $88,900
Research Question: How do the modes of interpreter services impact patient costs and patient experience?
Mayo Lead: Mary Bygd
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Elena Casey (Languages)
Approved Budget: $19,400
Research Question: How does empathic communication training impact goals of care conversations and patient/staff satisfaction?
Mayo Lead: Dr. James Deming; Patty Horecki; Rebecca Brustad
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Meg Lagunas (Nursing)
Approved Budget: $64,650
Research Question: What resources and resilience factors play into student athletes’ ability to cope with adversity and help mitigate depression and anxiety due to adversity?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Amy Rantala
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Stacey Jackson (Psychology)
Approved Budget: $11,500
Research Question: Does the use of 3-D printed models provide surgeons with better visualization for per-operative planning and improve surgical outcomes?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Joseph Wildenberg
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Doug Dunham (Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering)
Approved Budget: $12,000
Research Question: Can we define interventions and strategies to help residents cope with stress as they go through the residency program?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Terri Nordin
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Saori Braun (Kinesiology); Dr. Marquell Johnson (Kinesiology)
Approved Budget: $20,630
Research Question: Can CT scan analysis and AI be used to associate survival rates in patients with PDAC who were treated with chemotherapy?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Sushil Kumar Garg
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Rahul Gomes (Computer Science)
Approved Budget: no funding needed
Research Question: Is a Positive Psychology intervention effective at decreasing stress and depression and at enhancing resilience and happiness among medical-surgical inpatients at a rural critical access hospital?
Mayo Lead: Lori Miller, R.N.
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Jodi Arriola (Nursing)
Approved Budget: $39,135
Research Question: If medical providers are provided visual representations of individual depression survey responses over time, are they more likely to consider a wider range of therapeutic options for patients under care for depression?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Steve Rosas
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Lauren Casey (Computer Science student)
Approved Budget: $4,500
Research Question: Can we develop an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool to detect Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) filters from CT scans with high accuracy to be rapidly deployed into the clinical setting?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Joseph Wildenberg
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Rahul Gomes (Computer Science)
Approved Budget: $33,695
Research Question: Can patients be slowly tapered off opioids without a significant change in their physical and/or mental health?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Brandon Hidaka; Dr. Terrance Witt
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Mohammad Aziz (Mathematics)
Approved Budget: $5,772
We’re doing cutting-edge science and working with some of the best minds at Mayo Clinic. It’s the most exciting science I’ve been part of in my 25+ year research career.
Research Question: Can we develop a penicillin de-labeling process that can be performed safely in an outpatient setting without the use of skin testing for a low-risk patient population?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Adela Taylor; Dr. Sara Ausman; Melissa Berlin, R.N.
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Kim Frodl (Student Health Services)
Proposed Budget: TBD
Research Question: Does pharmacogenetic testing improve the treatment of depression? Can adverse drug effects be decreased with the use of pharmacogenetic testing?
Mayo Lead: Dr. Kyja Stygar
UW-Eau Claire Lead: TBD
Proposed Budget: $67,500
Research Question: Do virtual practicum educational modules adequately prepare clinicians to deliver virtual patient care?
Mayo Lead: Sarah Strahm, R.N.
UW-Eau Claire Lead: Dr. Lisa Schiller; Dr. Meg Lagunas (Nursing)
Proposed Budget: TBD
Our collaboration agreement with Mayo Clinic Health System is a true difference-maker for UW-Eau Claire. But don't take our word for it, listen to these students and mentors who have seen and felt the impact of this groundbreaking partnership changing lives of students and patients.